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How do you know which macronutrient split will make you feel your best and get you the best results?

Regarding weight loss, your carb & fat distribution DOESN’T Matter. A calorie deficit does.

Studies conclude:

When calories and protein are equated, a higher carb versus higher fat diet makes no difference in Weight Loss.

What makes a difference is compliance, and when given a nutrition program that leaves you feeling great compliance is no issue!

Carbs and Fats Influence How You FEEL

Ever notice you feel better when you eat more or less of these? Some people feel drained and bogged down if too many carbs are a part of their diet. Others feel energized! You need to listen to your body. Most of my clients have more than 30 lbs to lose and need to build muscle mass.

Therefore in many of their cases, this leaves them insulin resistant and pre diabetic. A lower carb approach is usually best for their current physiological state and leaves them feeling better!
In other cases, people who are active and have more lean muscle mass tend to do well and feel better on more carbs, Me included!

The important takeaway is:

Eat what makes YOUR body FEEL Best.
A 500 calorie deficit with 115g of Protein, 50g of fat and 100g of carbs (higher carb)
Vs. A 500 calorie deficit with 115g of Protein, 70g of fat and 50g of carbs (higher fat)


You will lose weight on both! The difference will be How do you Feel?

Were you surprised by this? There are some instances where women should consume more fats and or carbs, if you want to know more specific information on this, let’s have a FREE call. Click here

Can’t wait to meet you,

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