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Ever feel like you’ve been operating on auto-pilot? Like you go through the same motions everyday and lack that excitement and enthusiasm for your life? It happens to us all at one point or another, and is just an opportunity to check in with ourselves and say β€œHey, how are you doing? Do you need anything? What is really missing in your life right now that would make you feel so much better?”

These moments are blessings from the universe for us to stop and take a pause, take inventory of our life and the habits we have right now, and start FRESH.

If you have been wanting a list of a few key habits you could do daily that would drastically improve your happiness and zest for life, then look no further!

Habit 1: Start with gratitude πŸ’­

Every morning think of all the things you’re grateful for πŸ’— This increases your happiness in the NOW instead of betting your happiness on some mystical thing in the future.

Habit 2: Get Inspired / Excited ✨🏝

Have a vision board? MAKE ONE. Sometimes in those moments in life that lack passion, we forget that EVERYTHING we want and can make out of this life IS UP TO US. Put EVERYTHING you could ever want for your life on a vision board and see how much more inspired you feel! Whether it be Love, career, vacations, or friendships. Every morning wake up and get excited for what’s to come!πŸ’—πŸŒΊπŸ (But also make sure you go for all of those things) 😘

Habit 3: Nourish your body πŸ₯‘πŸ‰

Our peak capacity for happiness, confidence, and vitality relies upon nutrition and fitness being a non-negotiable part of our lives. Get active everyday, fueling your body with endorphins, fresh air, and vitamin D! β˜€οΈ Feed your body the good stuff and it will have what it needs to live a long and healthy life! πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸ₯¬

Habit 4: Make a list of your needs 🌸

Forget someone? List off what YOU NEED to feel happy/fulfilled/productive each day, Then make sure those are being met!
For ex: I know I need one motivating & one meaningful human interaction, one hour of exercise, four hours of productive work, music, sun β˜€οΈ and gratitude everyday to have an amazing day πŸŒΊπŸ’— What do you need? Not sure? GIRL where you been?! Get to know yourself!

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