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Have you ever wanted to feel like an absolute GODDESS in a pair of denim jeans? Or maybe you want to go to the beach and feel completely carefree and confident in your bikini, your booty poppin, your legs sculpted and toned!

I got the perfect solution for you babes! Gorgeous, sculpted, and strong legs don’t happen by accident. If you’ve always wondered whether you could build yours or if it was just left up to good genetics and luck, then I have news for you – You CAN have the stunning, drop dead gorgeous legs you have ALWAYS WANTED with these 5 MOVES!

  1. Squats
  2. Deadlifts
  3. Bulgarian Split Squats
  4. Hamstring Curls (Seated & Lying)
  5. Hip Thrusts

Squats are a phenomenal full body lift that will not only work every part of your gorgeous lower body, but will incorporate your core muscles as well. If you’ve always wanted the front of your legs to give off those boss babe vibes, these are for you!

Deadlifts are another essential, full body lift that works the posterior (or backside) of your entire body! From those sexy muscles you see on a woman’s back on either side of her spine, to the back of her legs and right underneath her tush, this exercise gives you the MOST bang for your buck when it comes to sculpting a beautiful backside from head to toe!

Bulgarian Split Squats, ahhh single legged exercises. So hated but SO important! Single legged exercises like the bulgarian split squat are basically like doing a squat but on ONE leg. This puts extra stress on the muscles on the anterior and posterior side of your beautiful legs for a movement that does it ALL. Oh, and another benefit of these moves, is they are amazing for your gorgeous behind!

Hamstring Curls are one of the best ways to target a trouble area that a lot of women come to me concerned about, the area right underneath the glutes and on the backside of the thighs. This area is susceptible to extra weight/fat gain purely due to the female physiology and the fact that estrogen increases fat gain in the midsection, hips, and glute area in women as an evolutionary way to support the potential for pregnancy. While we love the help, (thanks body love ya) it can be a frustrating area of concern. When it comes to beating cellulite, while a small amount of it is completely normal, excess cellulite sitting under the skin is just due to excess fat around the area. A clean diet with a focus on a calorie deficit, as well as some hamstring strengthening moves will do the trick! The diet will help reduce the fat and therefore stubborn cellulite, while the muscle gain from the hamstring curls will help build the muscle that shapes and tones the area giving it that beautiful, smooth look!

Last but not least, HIP THRUSTS! Ladies ladies, if you have ever been frustrated with a less than juicy booty, this move will make all of your dreams come true! The Hip Thrust is the primary move to target and sculpt/grow the glute muscles! From lifting them up to giving them that round, plump shape, the hip thrust will completely transform your behind to a beautiful peach in no time!

Trust me on this ladies, if you incorporate these 5 moves into your workout routine, you will develop gorgeous legs you feel proud and confident in in no time.

Enjoy girls! 😘 Let me know which one of these was your favorite!

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